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Triumph Norton BSA Amal 5/16-inch Fuel Hose Radial Crimping Tool PN# TBS-3000


Availability: Only 1 left in stock

SKU: 633726149427 Categories: , , , , , , , , , Tag: Year: Various yearsMake: BSA Norton TriumphModel: Various models

The radial crimping tool is useful to the restorer for crimping original fuel line ferrules to 5/16″ ID fuel line, producing a factory original finish to the fuel line assembly.

The crimping tool is a press that deforms the ferrule by making a radial crimp over the fuel line with the fitting inserted into the fuel line, ensuring a tight seal at the joint. Supplied from Tri-Cor in the UK.

The tool allows factory original-type and custom fuel line assemblies to be constructed when the correct petcock fittings and carburetor banjo fittings are used. Can be used with clear or black 5/16″ ID fuel line to achieve the desired look.

Generally, the ferrule is placed over the end of the fuel line with the petcock pipe fitting inserted through the compression nut and into the line. The arbor tightens down the radiused jaws to complete the radial crimp. On the banjo fitting end, the ferrule must be placed on the spigot of the banjo, then the fuel line is pushed over the barb on the spigot into the ferrule. Care must be taken not to overtighten the arbor, as the radiused jaws are thin and can be broken if the tool is misused.

Please note: Due the nature of the product, we unfortunately do not accept returns on bearings, service tools or electrical components. Please be confident about your purchase before ordering. If you have questions, please contact us.

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