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Triumph Norton BSA etc Podtronics 16A/200W Battery Eliminator Chopper PN# TBS-4030


Availability: In stock

Podtronics solid state 200w battery eliminator.

If you’re trying to simplify things then use this box to get rid of your battery, Zener diode, rectifier and remote capacitor. It’s all built into this unit. You can still wire in a battery if you need to but have the peace of mind that your bike will still start if the battery is dead or low. Can be used with two and three wire single phase alternators and to convert 6 volt alternators to twelve volt. Just pair any of the three wires coming out of the alternator and change your bulbs to 12v and away you go.

This is a must if you replace your stock 10 amp stator with a high output 16 amp stator!!

** NOTE! Do not confuse this unit with the POD-1P-HP that does not have a built in capacitor! **

Please note: Due the nature of the product, we unfortunately do not accept returns on bearings, service tools or electrical components. Please be confident about your purchase before ordering. If you have questions, please contact us.

Questions about converting your 6-Volt British motorcycle to 12-Volts? We have a tech blog packed with info here.

Do you have questions about Solid State Regulators? Check out our video below:

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Check out our YouTube Channel for more videos and insight on fixing your vintage Triumph motorcycle.

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