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Triumph Norton BSA etc Amal-Type Concentric 928 930 932 Billet Alloy Velocity Stack(s) PN# 928/076


Beautiful billet alloy reproduction of the Amal-Type MKI concentric velocity stack / bellmouth! crucial for racing and custom applications, this bellmouth slides over the inlet on all 900 series Amal MKI concentric carbs including 928, 930 & 932 carburetors and are retained with 3 Allen set screws (Allen wrench & screws included). this will also fit the 28mm, 30mm & 32mm Wassell Evolution series of carburetors. Overall length is 3-1/8″, 2″ diameter at the inlet mouth. Sold individually and multiple quantity discounts.

For our complete selection of velocity stacks CLICK HERE

For complete Amal carburetors CLICK HERE

For complete Wassell carburetors CLICK HERE

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